Proper Name of Planet
Formal Designation and Brief Description
Planetary Statistics
Planet's Major Moons
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Planets of Alpha Mensae |
Distance from Earth: 195 trillion miles (33.1 light-years)
Star Type: G5V, yellow main-sequence star
Diameter of sun: 815,000 miles (0.94 Rsun)
Age of System: 5,400 million earth years
Alpha Mensae I
Hot Desert World
Distance from sun: 33 million miles
Diameter: 7,285 miles (0.92 Earth's diameter)
Orbital Period: 85.1 earth days (126 Phantos days)
Rotation Period: 17.02 earth days
Atmosphere: 0.02 psi; H2O, CO2, SO2, C2H2, H2S
Gravity: 0.65 g
Axil Tilt: 0°
Moons: 5 minor
Phantos and Elmora
Alpha Mensae II & III
Double Planet
Phantos: Temperate Terrestrial World
Elmora: Dead Lunar World
Distance from sun: 85 million miles
Distance between Phantos and Elmora: 14,150 miles
Orbital Period: 342.67 earth days
Solar Day*: 16:15 earth hours
Diameter of Phantos: 5,818 miles
Gravity of Phantos: 0.6 g
Diameter of Elmora: 2,477 miles
Gravity of Elmora: 0.2 g
Axil Tilt of Both Planets: 19°
Moons: none
Notes: Phantos colonised in 5509 A.D.
.......Phantos terraformed in the 56th to 58th Centuries.
*Because the same sides of both planets always face eachother
the length of day on Phantos is equal to both the day length on Elmora
and orbital period of the two planets about eachother.
Alpha Mensae IV
Small Gas Giant
Distance from sun: 311 million miles
Diameter: 25,059 miles (3.16 Earth's diameter)
Orbital Period: 6.627 earth years (7.06 Phantos years)
Solar Day: 36:15 earth hours
Atmosphere: H2, He
Gravity: 1.29 g
Axil Tilt: 3°
Moons: 1 major, 6 minor
Alpha Mensae V
Cold Lunar World
Distance from sun: 753 million miles
Diameter: 1,713 miles (0.22 Earth's diameter)
Orbital Period: 24.92 earth years (26.56 Phantos years)
Solar Day: 57:59 earth hours
Atmosphere: none
Gravity: 0.1 g
Axil Tilt: 66°
Moons: 1 minor
Alpha Mensae VI
Cold Ice World w/ subglacial ocean
(microbrial life present)
Distance from sun: 1,430 million miles
Diameter: 4,680 miles (0.59 Earth's diameter)
Orbital Period: 65.32 earth years (69.6 Phantos years)
Solar Day: 24:46 earth hours
Atmosphere: 0.7 psi; N2
Gravity: 0.38 g
Axil Tilt: 37°
Moons: 3 major, 6 minor
Alpha Mensae VII
Frigid Gas Giant
Distance from sun: 1,940 million miles
Diameter: 88,461 miles (11.1 Earth's diameter)
Orbital Period: 103.27 earth years (110 Phantos years)
Solar Day: 8:03 earth hours
Atmosphere: H2, He
Gravity: 2.3 g
Axil Tilt: 52°
Moons: 7 major, 20+ minor